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Tikuna Headdress Indigenous Mask


It is through a diversified artistic production that the Tikuna indigenous culture is kept alive - the most expressive Amerindian ethnic group in the Amazon, located in the Alto Rio Solimões (AM), between the borders of Brazil with Peru and Colombia. Tribal elements such as headdress, necklace, earrings, paintings and body adornments peculiar to the indigenous tribe are uniquely represented in this decorative wall mask made with molongó wood (a native species from the Amazon), capable of transforming the environment, adding beauty and value.

Decorate the environment with Brazilian indigenous arts!

Part Size:
Height 37cm x Width 18cm x Depth 07cm

MANAUSI G 3 mascara indio indigena amazonas artesanal realista decoracoes indigenas madeira entalhada wood carving tukani pintura artistica decorativa artesintonia 3
MANAUSI G 3 mascara indio indigena amazonas artesanal realista decoracoes indigenas madeira entalhada wood carving tukani pintura artistica decorativa artesintonia 1
MANAUSI G 3 mascara indio indigena amazonas artesanal realista decoracoes indigenas madeira entalhada wood carving tukani pintura artistica decorativa artesintonia 2