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Floral Mandala in Madeira Bali


Decorative floral mandala measuring 40 cm in teak wood, carved by artisans from the island of Bali (Indonesia).
It features a reforested teak wood panel, with flowers and hand-carved arabesques in the shape of a mandala. It features blue and yellow painting with a patina technique - which simulates the action of time, giving rusticity to the wood.

In Sanskrit - ancient Asian language - mandala means circle; represents the unity between the universe (macrocosm) and the individual spiritual journey of the human being (microcosm). Generally, they are used in yoga and meditation practices, but it is in the decoration of the house (our temple) that connects us to the superior self, centralizing body and mind, stimulating creativity and relaxation.

This decorative art will make the environment more beautiful and relaxed!

Part Size:

Height 40cm x Width 40cm x Depth 04cm

PI4 painel madeira entalhado flores redonda bali indonesia artesanato mandala artesintonia 1
PI4 painel madeira entalhado flores redonda bali indonesia artesanato mandala artesintonia 2