The more we delve into the symbolism and spirituality that surround the decorative arts , the more we realize that everything is connected and that they are true invitations to find the enlightened path - the state of stillness between the oscillations of the mind, which we call nirvana . And that is what the goddess Kuan Yin represents.
This deity is revered in various East Asian cultures and is present in Taoism and strands of Buddhism under such distinctive names as Kwun Yum (in Hong Kong); Kannon, Kanzeon Bosatsu or Kwannon (in Japan); Quan m (in Vietnam); Kuan Eim or Mae Kuan Im (in Thailand); Green Tara (in Tibet); Gwan-eum or Gwaneum Bosal (in Korea); and Guan Shi Yin, Kuan Shi Yin or abbreviated as Kuan Yin (in China) - the name that is most familiar to us.

The goddess Kuan Yin usually holds the Akash Mudra in her hands.
The worship of Kuan Yin was introduced into Chinese Buddhism in the 1st century, whose appearance in a female form, intuitively maternal, was initially mentioned in the Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra (or Lotus Sutra ) - one of the most important teachings of the Buddha .
There are many analogies and stories attributed to its origins, among which, it is the Compassionate Bodhisatta , one of the many manifestations (faces of compassion) of Avalokiteshvara . The most famous legend flows in the twelfth century, in the figure of Princess Miao Shan, who lived in the Zhou Dynasty , in 700 BC, and only after her death was she transformed into a divinity.
Her benevolence and loving kindness towards all sentient beings, together with her strong spirituality, especially in times of great difficulty, allowed her to perform miracles, personifying unconditional compassion in her image.

Kuan Yin is believed to be the female version of Avalokiteshvara.
Popularly known as “the one who hears the cries of the world”, Kuan Yin configures the archetype of mercy , love and compassion . It inspires a superior teaching and shows us that meritorious acts are the divine way to free ourselves from our karmic acts.
Its references in the Lotus Sutra make us seek our inner wisdom and recognize the manifestation of the sacred in us and in everything that surrounds us.

Kuan Yin appears in the Lotus Sutra and teaches us to walk the path of wisdom.
The goddess of mercy is represented with many significant elements such as the lotus flower , which shows the supreme spirituality achieved by her and that we can conquer; the water jug (or sacred vessel), which connects it with the eight Buddhist symbols of good fortune ; the akash mudra , a gesture made with the hands in order to expand the cosmos within us and reunite us with the collective consciousness; and the willow branch , which expresses resilience.
The crown , which depicts the infinite light of Amitabha , mentor of Kuan Yin ; the bird , emphasizing fertility as a power in our being; the necklace , whose beads refer to living beings and their processes to reach enlightenment; as well as the book (or scroll), which manifests the Dharma; and the dragon , corresponding to wisdom and high spirituality; are other relevant symbologies that configure its image in decorative art .

In Tibetan culture, the figure of Kuan Yin is represented by the Goddess Tara.
Essentially, Kuan Yin encompasses the omnipresent mother, full of spiritual purity , who intercedes in all directions simultaneously. It is capable of feeling the afflictions of all beings and mercifully answering prayers, as well as supporting those who transgress universal laws and cannot bear the karmic return.
For this reason, it is not surprising that some Buddhist strands allegorically carve it with eight arms or more.

Kuan Yin's decorative art ensures beauty and protection for the environment.
By inserting Kuan Yin in the decoration - whether through sculptures , incense burners , fountains and paintings - it will radiate the beauty, benevolence, protection and maternal wisdom that are characteristic of it throughout the environment.
And want a recommendation? Try chanting the mantras Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa and Om Mani Padme Hum in front of your image and feel the merciful energy of the goddess working within you!
Be sure to check out the selection of decorative arts featuring the goddess Kuan Yin in our online store !
Milene Sousa - Art & Tune
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